Cloud Based Payroll Services

Cloud based Payroll Service™ provides ease of managing the payroll function!

Included is that each client has better cash flow control by holding onto thier tax dollars until they are actually due!

Also, having up to the date payroll option!  Yes, clients can pay on the same date, e.g. report hours at 10AM – Paychecks in your office by close of business 6PM Pacific Standard Time!  Yes, greater cash flow management because the client sits on the TAX dollars instead of sending them to the payroll provider!

Our payroll service eliminates the need of transferring funds to cover payroll prior to payroll date, when writing live checks! Unlike, some other payroll providers… ADP, Paychex, and many others.

“Payroll is very Simple with our Online Payroll Service” Jeff Spahn, Payroll Manager.

Our service provides each Client access to their payroll information, from anywhere there is Internet access.  i.e. Cell Phone,  At home, on the road, and on vacation.

  • Web Payroll Great Features & Highlight
  • Ease of use Benefits For Employers
  • 24/7/365 Hour Online Payroll Input
  • Employee New Hire Wizard
  • Online Payroll Report & Check Stubs
  • Payroll General Ledger Excel-Upload/strong
  • Custom Online Payroll Report Generator
  • Integrated Employee HR Intranet
  • Pre-Calculate Payroll Tax Preview

For more information on APLAZ Online Web Based Payroll Services, contact a payroll administration service specialist at (650) 557-3797 or click the contact button: